eShots Microsites

While working at eshots I had the opportunity to help build a platform for customizable microsites promoting special events. The new modern websites allowed us to offer lead engagement before and after the event for our clients, and opened up new revenue for our company.
UX, UI Designer

Building custom websites for experiential marketing experiences.

eshots was an experiential marketing company that specialized in data capture. Our biggest goal was to encapsulate the entire life cycle of an event through a system of tools we could provide for our clients.

eshots, inc.

Understanding the problem
Our primary product was a data capture application that was used on-site during events. Our websites were used mainly for after event engagements, getting customers to sign in to retrieve media they might have taken at an event.
When one of our biggest clients requested a new feature in our web product, in order to renew their contract, we took it as an opportunity to rebuild the entire product.

Microsites 2.0

We needed to explain and validate the product to our company, together with my Director of Product we started documenting the technical and functional requirements needed for the new product. I started by creating information architecture documents and wireframes to visualize the similarities and differences on the highest level.

and plugins

Templates and plugins

I kept working with wireframes to highlight the flexibility of our new framework and the new views it would support.
Client Needs
How many times can we edit content?
Can it be used for multiple event types?
Can we capture leads before and after the event?
User Needs
Can we access it on our mobile device?
Why should we sign up?
Why should we come back?

Registration Plugin

Our clients main request was the functionality of enabling preregistration, with the added complexity of multiple event types, features and functionality combinations. A lot of my effort early on was proving we could 1. Hide that complexity from the end user 2. Accommodate our clients needs - while still maintaining a cohesive template that would work for all our use cases.

Website types

With our new system we could create 5 new event types with a mix and match capabilities to make many unique events.


As a proof of concept we built out a running campaign for our client, demonstrating the new capabilities of the platform.

Cadillac Golf

First iteration of the new websites, Cadillac launched 2 campaigns immediately after product release.

Hello, Again campaign

With the success of the Cadillac campaigns, our client not only decided to renew their contract with us, they also opened the doors to a brand new opportunity with The Lincoln Motor Company. The Say Hello, Again campaign was a first of its kind, that offered a unique experience of touring your own city while riving a Lincoln and making stops at small boutiques.

From optional to necessity
The website campaigns became something we started pushing as a necessity for our other clients running events. After having success stories to point at, with a flexible system that could be shown with branded content - many additional clients started to add websites to their contracts.
23% Increase in revenue
By the end of the year 66% of our clients were using microsites for their events. We started to redesign our site on the same system, right in time for the holidays and our company party. My Product Manager and I won the the MBO of the year award, in recognition of the work and long term value added to the business.
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